Showing posts with label LEARNING. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LEARNING. Show all posts

Wednesday 7 August 2019

What is Prandel Virus?

Prandel is one of the ransomware-type programs that are part of the Djvu ransomware family. This particular ransomware was discovered by Michael Gillespie. Typically, programs of this type prevent victims from accessing their data by encrypting them with strong encryption algorithms. Additionally, they create/display ransom notes that contain information on how pay the ransom. In this case such information can be found in the text file named "_readme.txt". Copies of this file are placed in folders that contain encrypted files. Prandel renames all encrypted files, it adds the ".prandel" extension. For example, it renames "sample.jpg" to "sample.jpg.prandel" and so on.
As explained in the "_readme.txt" file, Prandel encrypts files (photos, databases, documents, etc.) with the strongest encryption algorithm. In order to decrypt them, it is necessary to purchase a decryption tool and unique key that cost $980. However, cyber criminals who developed Prandel offer a 50% discount for people who will contact them in the first 72 hours after having their computers infected with this ransomware. Prandel developers can be reached via email ( or or Telegram (@datarestore). They also offer a free decryption of one file that can be sent to them via one of the given emails or Telegram. However, even if cyber criminals actually have the tools that can decrypt encrypted files, they often do not send them. For this reason we recommend not to pay (or even contact) people who developed Prandel. Besides, there is an offline decryption tool that might be able to help to recover files for free. However, it usually works only if the computer was not connected to the Internet (or remote server used by cyber criminals was not responding) while ransomware was encrypting the files. Another way to recover files without having to buy any decryption tools from cyber criminals is to restore them from a backup that was (if was) created before the encryption.
Most programs of this type are designed to encrypt victim's files and make sure that they could not be used unless a ransom is paid (decryption tool or/and key is purchased). Typically, decryptions without interference of ransomware developers are impossible and victims are forced to pay the ransom (or lose their files). Most common differences between ransomware-type programs are encryption algorithms (symmetric or asymmetric) that they use to lock files and prices of decryption tools/keys. As a rule, the only way to avoid data and financial loss is to restore files from created backups. For this reason we recommend to always have data backed up and keep the backup on a remote server or unplugged storage device. Other examples of programs that are similar to Prandel are Q1GKovasoh and Lotej.

How did ransomware infect my computer?

It is unknown how cyber criminals spread Prandel, however, quite often malicious programs usually are distributed via spam campaigns, trojans, fake software updaters, various unreliable software (or file) download sources and unofficial activation ('cracking') tools. Very often ransomware and other malware developers send emails that contain malicious attachments or web links that lead to them. The main point is to trick recipients into opening them by disguising the email as important. Examples of files that they usually attach are Microsoft Office and PDF documents, archive files (like RAR, ZIP), executable files (like .exe), JavaScript and other files. Once opened (or/and executed), these malicious files infect computers with malware or other high-risk malware. Trojans are programs that can be used to spread malicious software too. When installed, they cause chain infections, in other words, they download and install malware. Fake (unofficial) software updaters infect systems when they download and install malware instead of the updates, fixes or exploit bugs and flaws of outdated software. Unreliable download sources such as P2P (Peer-to-Peer) networks, free file hosting websites, freeware download pages, unofficial sites and other sources often contain malicious files. Cyber criminals disguise them as harmless executables or other files that, if downloaded and opened, lead to installations of unwanted, malicious programs. Unofficial tools that supposed to activate installed software for free often cause installations of malware too. These tools are also known as 'cracking' tools, people use them to bypass paid activation.

Friday 8 February 2019


How can you use DNS servers to bypass restrictions

I Have found out about Dns codes 1 all over the place. Individuals use them to path in the american netflix make association with modded prepared, without dread PCs, and numerous different things. I don't traverse learning how Dns can complete these things. A Dns essentially works out an ip 2 house subtleties from a hostname It just works out hostnames. How might it be utilized to move into modded PCs and going-round geographic cutoff points? is there something in the Dns PC that customers make association with?
Contingent upon the gushing convention, when the stream has begun its information bundles would not go through the intermediary, in this manner the end client's area would never again matter and the association is specifically between the two at full speed. On account of other substance, all traffic experiences the intermediary.

Albeit positively not impeccable from a substance supplier's (for example studio/organize) perspective, GeoIP based squares are an adequately high obstacle that their rights can keep on being overseen in the way they have been acclimated with. At present it would likely be excessively costly (in handling time) to GeoIP check each stream's information bundles. Anyway this isn't generally vital at present, area based rights are just set up to ensure the syndication demonstrate—in light of the fact that the inception system may have (or needs to maintain the authority) to pitch it to another system who pay them to give it to you. They clearly shouldn't pitch to you twice thus just secure those agreements with some sensible exertion. Syndication was a money related help while conveying a VHS starting with one nation then onto the next was a significant exertion, however the obstruction continues getting lower… it might remain a round of feline and mouse (keeping most purchasers out of the diversion because of the innovation transition), it might be that innovation empowers progressively dictator controls, or that geographic syndication is basically surrendered for different models. For the time being there is nobody arrangement, yet DNS-inferred intermediaries are a flawless hack that positively pushes the obstructions lower.


Thursday 20 September 2018



AS Most of  Us Have a Greet and Wish to have a Beautiful and Awesome Website, But Lack of Knowledge of Coding Language He Cannot make his Own Website. So they Search and Visit to
Different Website and Wish Them I have Same Website like this but He cannot Own That  Site.
So Today I have a Bring A Trick Which really Helpful and Overcome Best Upon You.
So We Will Use A Tool Which Completely Download Full Website and Put Everything into the
Same Folder like Owner had Put it on the Folder. So this the Main Power That This Software
Can do This. Coming to the Software And Telling its Features


This Software Tool will Help you To Download Any Website of AnyOne.But Copying Someone
Website without permission is the Violation of Copyright. So This is For Educational Purpose.


  1. Go To This Site and Download it from There  Download HTrack Website Copier 
  2. Install it and Open the HTrack Website Copier .That is The Simple Interface of HTrack

      3.  Now Write Your Desire Name in Project Name Portion ; e.g Write myproject
           Below C:\My Web Sites is the Default Location of your Downloadable File, Click on Next

    4. Write That Website URL Which you want to Download, I have Written Simple Random

     5. Leave Everything as It is, and Click On Next and Finally New Page Overcome and Click  
         Downloading will Automatically Start and Will take upto 5-10 Minutes depends upon the 
         Contents and Pages used in Web site.


Friday 16 March 2018


Sign in to Your Blogspot and go to  Theme and Edit HTML. Now find </b:skin>  and Paste the Following Code above above </b:skin>

 .post-title, .post h3{
line-height: 26px;
font-family: 'Trebuchet MS', Trebuchet, Arial, Verdana, Sans-serif;font-size:140%;font-weight:700;
text-transform: uppercase;margin-bottom:10px;
.post h3 a, .post h3 a:visited, .post h3 strong {
display: block;
text-decoration: none;
color: #0872AF;
font-weight: normal
.post h3 strong, .post h3 a:hover {

Sunday 1 October 2017

How to Add Crosscolumn Gadget above Header

ADD Crosscolumn Gadget above Header

TECH | PRO Has brought a Unique Method to Enable crosscolumn Gadget above Header through which you can easily add Horizontal Menu or pages. If you want to add Dropmenu having not crosscolumn above header then your Pages or Menubar will be Vertically and will look bad.So Here is the quick step through which you can add horizantal menu above header.
Follow The Following Steps...

1) Log into your Blogger Account
2) Click on Theme and then Click on Edit HTML

3) Now find the Following Text Using Ctr+F.
4) When you searched above text the Following code will appeared on Programme Portion.

                                    b:section class='tabs' id='crosscol' maxwidgets='1' name='Cross-Column'  showaddelement='/yes'
    b:section class='tabs' id='crosscol-overflow' name='Cross-Column 2' showaddelement='no'

5) Copy the Following Code

                                    b:section class='tabs' id='crosscol' maxwidgets='1' name='Cross-Column'                                              showaddelement='yes'

6) Now Search navbar using Ctr+F
7) You will see the Following Code

8) Just One Step above Code, Paste Old Code which you have copied in Step No : 5  and Only Just               make changes in old code as

             b:section class='tabs' id='crosscol' maxwidgets='1' name='Cross-Column'                                              showaddelement='yes'
          Replace  crosscol by crosscol 3  and Replace 1 by 3 as written with maxwidget

 9)  Save your Theme and Refresh your blogger account page not website page
10) Go to Layout you will see Extra Cross-column Gadget above header as show below

11) Now just click on Add Gadget and add your pages Element or HTML/JAVACRIPT and make        your Menu bar navigation.
                             That's it & Enjoy it
